jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

ARANDANO y FRAMBUESA: Oferta ampliamente superada por creciente demanda en Australia

Booming consumer demand for berries is underwriting solid prices that have combined with improved growing techniques and new varieties to fuel huge growth in production.

The value of the NSW blueberry crop has increased four-fold in the past six years to be more than $100 million and, judging by expansion plans across the main growing region, the North Coast, that growth is likely to continue.

Hot on the heels are raspberries, with national production rising from less than 500 tonnes a year in 2004 to in excess of 3000t in 2014.

This summer, supermarkets have been using berries as a drawcard into the fruit and vegetable section and industry leaders say demand is outstripping supply.

Wholesale blueberry prices are this week at $25 to $30 for a tray of 12 punnets, 125 grams, which is down from the $40 peak of last year. Raspberries averaged bet-ween $42 and $48/tray last year.

Australian Blueberry Growers Association's industry development officer Phillip Wilk said the NSW area under production had more than doubled since 2007 to 1100 hectares with many former banana growers on the Mid North Coast switching to berries and greenhouse vegetable production.

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Publication date: 1/15/2015

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