For the first time Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) has carried out a survey on the use of pesticides in orchards, vegetable and potato areas, greenhouse crops, as well as in maize areas. Using data obtained in 2014, as well as results from the survey on the use of pesticides for cereals and rape carried out in 2012, information is obtained to estimate possible risk to environment and health caused by pesticides.
Provisional data compiled by the CSB show that in 2014, 7 tonnes or almost 1% of total amount of pesticides on average used in Latvian agriculture annually were used in orchards, vegetable areas and greenhouses, but for treatment of maize areas and potato areas, 3 and 21 tonne of pesticides were used, respectively.
Use of pesticides for horticultural crops surveyed for harvest of 2014 (kg of active ingredient of pesticide on average per hectare). Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.
Taking into account high occurrence of pests and diseases in Latvia in 2014, due to climatic conditions, the amount of active ingredient of pesticides used in crops and plantations surveyed by the CSB, is evaluated as suitable for compliance with optimal agrotechnology, considers State Plant Protection Service. Data are commensurable with the latest information published by Eurostat on the amount of active substances of pesticides sold to end users, which still is one of lowest among the European Union member states both in absolute numbers and per unit of agricultural area.
Farms treated with pesticides were: pear 69%, raspberry 52%, cherry 44%, apple 36%, plum 29%, strawberry 17%, cabbage 92%, onion 89%, beetroot 77% and potato 64%. Of the total pesticides used, fungicides were 80% in apple and pear, 86% in cherry, 67% in plum, 76% in raspberry, 89% in potatoes and 60% in onions. Out of total volume of pesticides used, herbicides were 98% in beetroot, 87% in carrot, 69% in cabbage, 59% in strawberry and 98% in corn. Insecticides were used in a very small amount, which can be explained with small application rates per hectare.
Structure of pesticides used for agricultural crops surveyed. Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.
In open field vegetable areas, the most used herbicides were aclonifen and metazachlor. Aclonifen accounted for 42% and 82% of the herbicides used in carrot and onion fields, respectively. 76% of herbicides used in cabbage areas were metazachlor. High share of fungicides used in onion can be explained with the use of active substance mancozeb (79% of fungicide amount used), which is a wide spread active substance of fungicides used for limiting blight.
Active substance of fungicides mancozeb is widely used for limiting late blight and dark spots of potato, share of which in the total amount of pesticides comprised 66% and in the amount of fungicides 74%. For the protection of vegetables grown in greenhouses (tomato and cucumber) against various root and steam disease agents, fungicide plant protection products with the share of active substances of 98% were used mainly. Survey on the use of pesticides for agricultural crops is organized once in five years. Comparison with other European Union countries will be available in the Eurostat database in section "Agriculture" in 2016.