sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

New CUCUMBER varieties for greenhouse in tropical regions - Nuevas variedades de PEPINO para invernadero en regiones tropicales

In India, the beit alpha cucumber is a popular crop amongst local greenhouse growers. In order to make better varieties available for the growers, the Turkish breeder Yuksel Tohum has developed a special program to increase the potential of Indian cucumber growers.  The breeder's development team have been working on Beit Alpha cucumber varieties that satisfy the requirements of markets in India. The first promising new parthenocarpic Alpha Beit cucumbers of this breeding program are Rica F1 and Terminator F1.

The most significant characteristics of Rica F1 are dark green skin colour, skin shine, 15-16 cm fruit length and tolerance to hot weather. Indian growers are also satisfied about the high yields and vigor of Rica F1. Terminator F1 has multi fruit settings and  produces cucumbers of 17-18 cm. Terminator F1 is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation. "The plants grow rapidly, have powerful sprouting ability and a great yield potential", said Yuksel's İsmail Gülsoy.
According to İsmail Gülsoy,  both varieties were outstanding in observations in 2013-2014 in India, showing good settings in high temperatures and impressive resistance. "We now have 80 percent of the market for Beit Alpha type cucumbers", İsmail Gülsoy said. We see a lot of potential in the Indian market, hence we will continue to focus on this area."


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