sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Water footprints of the main California horticultural crops - Huella del agua de los principales cultivos frutihortícolas de California

California is the world's fifth-largest supplier of food. Its Central Valley — a rich plot of agricultural gold that's nearly the size of West Virginia — is where America gets virtually all of its almonds, tomatoes, pistachios, lemons, and artichokes.
But a four-year drought has put te land in grave danger, and some of these crops require so much water they are likely making the problem worse. Here's a visual breakdown of how much water is needed to grow (just one!) of some of our favorite foods:

Next time you grab a handful of almonds, think about the fact that every single one of those deliciously crunchy nuts required an entire gallon of water.
Source: http://uk.businessinsider.com, www.hortdaily.com

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