viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Argentina: Highly positive results for POMEGRANATES - Resultados altamente positivos para las GRANADAS

With the harvest almost finished, the results of the season, which started in mid-February, are extremely positive for the division Granadas Argentinas (Argentinian Pomegranates) of the group Estancia La Paz SA.

The company, which has 250 hectares in the province of Córdoba, achieved its goal of doubling exports compared to last season thanks to the opening of new markets, including the UK and the United States. 
"In the U.S., our fruit is required to undergo a cold treatment for fifteen days due to phytosanitary regulations, but we have shipped fruit for use in the processing industry, which has not the best appearance, but is flawless inside. In addition to that, we are also exporting fruit for fresh consumption," explains Marcelo Scarafia.
Sales in the domestic market increased by more than 150% as a result of a trade policy that had been planned in detail during 2014, as well as to the fruit's excellent quality. The company has managed to gradually expand the acreage since the first 100 hectares were planted in 2009.
"We reached 120 tonnes in the domestic market, which is a good figure if we take current consumption habits into account. We have been working hard with the marketing and promotion, to show people how to use the fruit and inform them about their excellent properties," affirms Marcelo.
For the coming year, the last 80 hectares implemented in 2012 are expected to come into production, with varieties like the Wonderful, Acco and Shany. The company argues that this higher volume expected will allow the firm to strengthen its position as a strategic partner for its major customers in the Northern Hemisphere, which need suppliers capable of providing both quantity and quality.
Furthermore, the group is currently studying the introduction of a processing line to remove the arils and add value to a part of its production, and it is also in talks with Argentinian food industries which until now were unable to have a year-round supply of the fruit for their products.
Sourcee: Marcelo Scarafía in

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