miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Due to higher demand, Mexico could triple STRAWBERRY acreage in some districts - Por la demanda de FRUTILLA (FRESA), México podría triplicar la superficie de este cultivo en algunos distritos

Photo from http://m.oem.com.mx

Maya Maria de Lourdes Acosta, delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) of Guanajuato, said that about 500 ha of strawberry are technologically advanced in Irapuato. However, it could have a three-fold increase, based on the existing demand. They installed 500 ha of walk-in tunnels for strawberry production, which are drip irrigated and certified, meeting the highest quality and health standards. The delegate of SAGARPA in Guanajuato said that the main markets for Irapuato strawberries are the United States, European countries like Spain, and Asian countries such as Japan, China and Korea.Source: 
Source: Oscar Reyes (http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldepuebla)

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