martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Azerbaijani FRUIT production doubles over past 10 years - Producción de FRUTAS en Azerbaijan se duplica en los últimos 10 años

Azerbaijani fruits (Photo from
Azerbaijani fresh fruit and berry production totals about 1 million tons now, twice as high as in 2005, and analysts see high potential in the fruit and vegetable sector in Azerbaijan, which will be unlocked in the nearest few years. The stonefruit segment shows the largest development rate with an increase of 250% in apricot production over the past decade, and a rise of 300% in production of peaches and nectarines over the same period. Production of pome fruits has been growing less rapidly, but the past decade's results are also impressive: production of apples and pears has grown by 100% and 50%, respectively. Similar situation is observed in the segment of berries, which production has almost doubled over the past 10 years.
This positive production trend will only intensify in the nearest years thanks to the factor of intensively developing sector, which is shown by evolution of yields in Azerbaijani orchards. According to official statistics, orchards' productivity has grown by 50-100% in the country in the past decade. The market experts see an increase in exports as the main driver for the sector development. In addition, Azerbaijan exports about a half of annually produced volumes of stonefruits. Moreover, the demand for Azerbaijani produce will only be growing in the external market thanks to significant changes in the market environment in countries near and far abroad.

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